This is the approved The Fanlistings Network and The Anime Fanlistings Network fanlisting for Link, the hero from the Legend of Zelda video game series by Nintendo, as well as various manga, comic, and animated series. There are different Links throughout the ages, destined to save Hyrule and the Princess Zelda. But even though his age, origin, family, and story vary across games, the character and spirit of Link remain essentially the same.

According to TFL.org, a fanlisting is "a web clique that lists fans of a particular subject. Unlike most web cliques, a person does not need a web site in order to join. Fans from around the world submit their information to their approved fanlisting and they are then listed to show their love for the subject."

This fanlisting was adopted from the previous owner, Diana, in October 2004. <3

Version 2.0 of the fanlisting features two images of Link, one from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and the other from Super Smash Brothers Brawl. The layout was designed in Paint Shop Pro 9.0, was handcoded into HTML in Editpad, and is W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional compliant. It uses textures from Tre-xture. The members script is powered by Enthusiast.


The Eternal Hero